Monday, November 23, 2009

Mock Trial

Here are the roles for the mock trial sign up.

Lead Prosecutor
Assistant DA
Lead Defense
Assistant Council to the Defense
Detectives (2)
Forensic Specialists for Prosecution
Voice Analysis
Witnesses for the Defense
Character witness
Jury Foreman

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Bow Street Runners Game

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Forensics Project

Sign up for your presentation below in the groups you wish. First come, first serve.
3 groups of 3
4 group of 4

Fingerprints (Come see me)
Criminal Psychology
Handwriting analysis

Your presentation should run between 10-15 minutes. You may do any or all of the following:
Group project

Students will prepare a ten plus minute presentation on their forensic specialty that addresses the following issues:
1. How it is used to solve crimes
2. Any science behind how it works
3. Limits or drawbacks to their specialty
4. How it stands up in court
The presentations can be in any or all of the following formats:
· Power-point
· Poster
· Class project (Hands on)
· Video
Students will be required to hand in all notes and research materials at the end of their presentation.

Grading Rubrics:

Video Grading Rubric
Power-point Grading Rubric
Poster Grading Rubric

Activity Grading Rubric

Project is due on Tuesday 11/10. Any questions please see me. Students not prepared to present on Tuesday will not be given credit for the project.
Mr. Blais

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Crime Scene Game

Play the game from the link above. Tell how you did but don't spoil the ending!

(The terminology might be a little different as it is a Canadian website)

Due: Friday 10/30

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


The US Government has created a website dedicated to reducing bullying in the schools. After exploring the website below, answer the following questions.

1. Do you think that the bullying problem is severe enough to dedicate government resources to its eliminnation?

2. Do you think that this website is an effective avenue to teach anti-bullying measures?

3. If you were a teacher or parent, how would you use this website to reduce bullying?

Friday, September 4, 2009

Homework Assignments

Chapter 9 vocab into notebooks

Chapter 10 vocab in notebooks

Perfect Crime due Wed 9/30

Test on crimes: Thu 10/15

Read Chapter 12: Vocab into notebooks

CSI Worksheet: Due Wednesday 11/4

Current Events Due: Anna, Ky, Janessa Friday 11/6

Forensics Projects: 11/10 NO Late Projects Accepted!

Test on Evidence: Tuesday 11/17

Vocab CHs 13-15 into notebooks

Test: Jury on Trial reading: Thursday 12/3

Reading: Plea Bargain: Wednesday 12/9

Trial Exam OR Mock Trial: Friday 12/18

Vocab 18, 19

Jet Blue/ Prom Crash: 1/6

Mock Trial: Tuesday 1/12

The First Amendment

Read the following articles and answer the following. Does the 1st amendment protect publishing the photo? SHOULD the 1st amendment protect it?

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Why We Make Laws

Using the five reasons we make laws, give an example from each reason from different areas of your life (examples: in school, at home, at work, in society). I have given you an example in the comments area.

The five reasons:
Keep Order
Ensure Safety
Protect Property
Protect Your Constitutional Rights
Promote the Common Good